Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Oh What a Loooong Day

Yesterday was a great day. But one of those days you can only do every so often without totally exhausting yourself LOL. First we went to the indoor play place. The girls haven't been there in months. I hardly got any pictures because they were so busy running back and forth and so excited they just wouldn't hold still. Then we got invited out to dinner at a friend's house. Finally at 8:00 we went to go see my friend's brand new baby. The girls were totally in awe. He is such a sweet little thing.

I did manage to get a few pictures, but they will have to wait for another post. I need to run now and figure out lunch for the girls, who will be storming through the door any second :)

1 comment:

  1. I notice you didn't mention that "dinner" was not much more than bowls of cereal...
