Saturday, January 17, 2009

I've Been Wii'd

I have finally come out of the stone age. I went to borrow something from my neighbor and her dd was playing on the Wii. After a few minutes she asked if I wanted to try, I said sure. It was lots of fun! I need to have one now :D Time to start hinting for my birthday present I think :D


  1. I knew it! You have come to the wii-side! Its an addiction I tell you .. wii fit is a must, so is guitar hero and Mario Kart Wii .. those are the games that get the most use in my house! You'll be wii'ing in no time, I just know it!
    Oh, and if you have Mario Kart Wii I will have someone to play with at 3am .. it connects to the wi-fi :)

  2. yay! I'll have to get that one. I did the dance one last night. I am not coordinated enough though LOL.
