Tuesday, September 28, 2010


We took the kids bowling for the first time. They really enjoyed it!

View From the Kitchen Window

Even living here, I do not expect to look out my kitchen window and see a family of camels grazing on the plants!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Four Down...

Six to go. Nechama lost another tooth a couple of weeks ago :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

First Day for Rivka

Rivka started "gan chova" (kindergarten) yesterday. She has 13 boys and 13 girls in her class, and she is loving it. She is right next door to where she had pre-k, and she was so happy to pop over and visit her teacher & assistant from last year.

"Gan Tzhalon"

So happy with her new backpack!

Here's to a great year!

First Day, Part Two

Here are the girls in their classrooms. They both seem to have really great teachers and have I mentioned they are so happy?

All ready to go

Rena all set at her desk.

The board says "Welcome First Grade"

Nechama's desk

Magical letters

I guess the teachers did the boards together, because they are both pretty much the same LOL.

First Day of School!

For Nechama and Rena! I can't believe my girls are all grown up and going to real school! So far they both love it, let's hope it continues :)

For Nechama and Rena! I can't believe my girls are all grown up and going to real school! So far they both love it, let's hope it continues :)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Catching Up

Before I post their first day of 1st grade, I figured I should put up their last day of gan. However, bad mother I am, I have to FIND those pictures. So here is my "bookmark" post, where at some point in the future (hopefully!) I will put up their last day of gan pics. I wouldn't hold my breath though, I seem to remember (I could go check now...) that I never put up all the last day of gan pics from *last* year (ie: 2009)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

As Promised

Video of Rena riding her bike :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wow it's Been a While

Sorry, life! I know I missed May, June, and almost July! Just wanted to stop on quick today to record a milestone...

Rena learned to ride her bike!

I did take pictures. Maybe I'll get them up later :)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Cheese on My Bread

Avraham Tzvi's first *real* sentence! I offered him bread, and he gave his usual "yeah." Then I asked "do you want cheese on your bread?" and he said "yeah," hesitated a second, and said "cheese on my bread." He then repeated himself about 4 times, seemed real proud of himself :D. Oh the little things that give us parents such joy :)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Better than Television

A zoo below your house!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Shushon Purim in the Park :)

Purim it rained and stormed, but the day after was beautiful. Dh took the kids to the park while I cleaned up the balagan. Looks like they had a great time. Maybe next year *I'll* go to the park and he will clean up...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Some pics from the day. They all chose things I already own, so I didn't even have to spend any money on costumes :) The dog and the leapord came from my neice, the frog was Rena's last year, and the Queen Ester came from a friend. The tiger Avraham Tzvi is wearing in the bottom picture is Rena's from when she was 2. I'll have to see if I can find a picture of her in it and post it up.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mishloach Manot Madness

I don't think the girls are quite old enough to sit through the whole Megillah (and Avraham Tzvi defiantly can't!!!), especially motzie Shabbot when it's a bit later. Since they were a little disappointed, I promised them we could make up the mishloach manot to send to their friends. They had a great time putting together the packages.

Poor Avraham Tzvi was sitting at the table finishing his supper and staring at all the treats I was *not* giving him to eat LOL.

One shot of the "grown up" mishloach manot I gave out. I just made 6 this year and called it a day (we gave to a community list). The can on the left is canned corn, and the container on the right is hummos.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Better Late than Never

Two more Chanukah parties, and our door.

Our door, all decorated with the kids' stuff :)

Rena, waiting for her party.

Rivka, before the party.

Rivka, during her party.

Rena & Rivka had parties back to back. I barely got there in time for Rena's to start, and I couldn't get a good spot to take lots of pics :(

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Just an hour ago...

And Another Missing Tooth

I know I'm mostly blogging now to keep track of milestones and it's probably not interesting to anyone else (I have been too busy to pay attention to my poor blog!), but Rena lost her second tooth today. Pictures at some point, I hope. She lost it in the park (it's been loose for a while now), and I didn't have the camera handy. I'll try to remember to take a picture tomorrow.