Sunday, February 8, 2009

Oh What a Night!!!

Ugg. So Rivka is sick :(

She was fine yesterday. Last night she felt a bit warm so I took her temp, sure enough a fever. Then I had to weigh her since I have no clue what she weighs :x. She weighs 30 lbs even. Of course the other 2 wanted to be weighed. Rena also weighs 30 lbs LOL. Nechama weighs in at 34. I think my kids will be in carseats until they are 12.

So about the night.... good news, the baby slept wonderfully. Of course Rivka slept horrible since she wasn't feeling well. So the one night my baby slept from 10pm - 6:30am I was still up every hour on the hour. Oh, and Rena was up like 3x too, what's up with that?

Needless to say, I am tired. Rivka is home. She is on her medicine high and driving me crazy. Looks like it's gonna be a FUN day :)

1 comment:

  1. (((Rach))) we just walked that road. I hope its short for you and everyone is feeling well fast!
