Monday, February 2, 2009

Holy Banana

Have you ever seen a conjoined twin banana? Neither had I until last Friday.

Seriously, is that weird or what? One peel, big dent in the middle, two bananas joined together.



  1. The mutant onions we get from our little makolet are bigger than my head, and always conjoined twins! Is this one of those "only in Israel" things? :)

  2. Yes, I've seen those too! I just never saw a banana like that LOL. It was on the bottom of the bunch and I didn't even notice it until I gave it to her. I should have taken a picture before she dove in. Oh well, next time :)

  3. Twin bananas for twin girlies. :)

    You have gorgeous kids, ka"h!!

  4. Thanks.

    Glad you were able to stop in and read :)
