Monday, April 20, 2009

The View from the Balcony

This afternoon.

Yes, they are camels. I've seen goats grazing there before, but never camels. It's amazing to just look out your window and see camels grazing alongside a highway. I love living where I live :)


  1. OMG... that's way cool. And I thought my little backyard visitor was exotic! I'd totally be floored if I'd see CAMELS out my window.

    And Mazal Tov on your son's milestone!

  2. oh my gosh i am so jealous! when i look out my window i see cracked concrete and the occasional grazing possum.

  3. Hey, no fair. All that is out my back window are 2 grubby little boys and their mean cats!! That is really pretty cool to look out and see camels, I kept thinking I was wrong and they were NOT camels!

  4. No, you were right. They are camels. We get goats pretty often, but that was the first camel sighting.
