Monday, April 20, 2009

Look Who's Standing :D

He can't get himself up yet (well, he did once, but not since then), but when I help him up he can stand for a few minutes. Finally got it on film.


  1. sweeeeeeeeet!! Way to go little prince!

  2. Mazal Tov!
    You mentioned he gets therapy. Is there some specific diagnosis, or just a delay?

  3. He has low muscle tone (Nechama did also, apparently it's very common in Ashkanazi families). He is also very flexible. B"H she feels nothing is really wrong with him, he'll just hit the physical milestones on a later pace. The PT really does help though, so I am thankful he gets it.

  4. Just out of curiosity, how is he in other areas? I know he's walking by now (mazal tov!)Fine motor skills, cognitive development? Is gross motor the only thing he's behind in? I'm kinda paranoid now with what's going on with my daughter, so I just want to compare notes.
    What exactly pushed you to seek therapy in the first place? Did you get him evaluated for other therapies? Did you ever consider genetic testing?

    Sorry for the interrogation, but our recent events have made me look at things from a different perspective!
