Thursday, June 18, 2009

A Pox on Our House

Chicken pox, that is. Rivka has them (I'm 99% sure, going to the doctor today for confirmation). I was starting to worry I was going to have to vax them for it. My friend's son in her class also has them, and he did have the vax.

In other news, Rivka had her end of the year party last night, pictures to follow later. She was supposed to have her birthday party on Friday, but we will have to squeeze it in next week. Birthday parties are a HUGE deal here, and I would hate for her to see the parties all year long in gan and miss hers :(


  1. Aww, poor Rivka. Guess there will be no CP Vax in your future if only you can get her to pass them on to all the others! Good luck with the misery though. (((())))

  2. Hey, you're back. :) Welcome.
    I hope the chicken pox pass quickly and without too much pain. Lucky kids, to avoid the vaccine.

  3. Yes, I'm back. I have been so behind on this blog. Real life getting in the way LOL.

    I agree it's better than the vaccine. B"H Rivka had a real mild case. I hope the others are so lucky!
