Monday, June 22, 2009

Rivka's Party

Her party was last Wednesday, but with her home and poxy I couldn't get onto the blog before now. She had a good time, but was a bit out of it (now I know why LOL). Here are some pictures. The whole play was "Shabbot" themed.

Before the festivities

Candle lighting.

Whole class singing together.

Being a star at the end of Shabbot

Getting her picture of the year, and some flowers for Me :)


  1. She is such a cutie! Love her curls.

  2. She is so adorable .. like Shirley Temple!!

  3. Thanks. I know she's a little cutie (when she's not screaming IIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAA at the top of her lungs LOL)
