Monday, June 22, 2009

My Son

The living, breathing, pulling up, talking, almost standing....


Yes, it is *almost* like a real live person!! Or at least that's what the girls think. They think he's a little dolly for them to play with. And he tollerates it well and loves the attention. For the most part ;-)

At least they are enjoying having a brother :)


  1. We have one of those, too. LOL!
    I don't let them pick Adel up yet, but not that my opinion matters, you know. :P

  2. In theory they are not allowed to pick him up.

    In practice I say "put him down, please don't pick him up" 100x a day, and for the most part they are gentle enough and he doesn't squeal (too) much.

  3. LOL how cute. 4 mommies in the house LOL Poor kid will never get away with anything!
