Sunday, October 9, 2011

Well, Shall I Try Again????

I am so bad at blogging, but at least I have something to look back on!!

I'm thinking I should try again... maybe go for just once a month.

For now a non picture update :)

Everyone is doing well back at school. Rivka started Kitah Aleph (1st grade), and Avraham Tzvi started gan. Both are doing amazingly well. The twins went up to kitah bet (2nd grade) with the same class & same teachers. Again, b'h they are really thriving!

We had a fun summer, lots of family time, lots of fun all around.

I do have 1st day of school pics, I will try to put them up here. I put stuff up on facebook now but I would like to go back to blogging so I have a record for me if for no one else.

Well, here's to trying again. We'll see how long I make it this time :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Siddor Party

The girls had their Siddor Party a few months ago. It's the time when they have learned well enough to read and start praying from a prayer book instead of by heart. They did lots of singing and dancing, and at the end were presented with their very own books.

Before the party

Ready to go with Grandma & grandpa




Siddor Party, Haircutting, and a Way Behind Blog

Not that nothing has been happening lately, but I have so neglected my poor blog! I mean to put the pictures up, or at least summaries of what's going on, at least for myself, and then life happens!

So, trying to start again, and record what's going on in our crazy lives. I hope to do a few posts today with the highlights of the last few months, and then *hopefully* I can keep up with a few more posts the rest of the year! Here's to optimism I can keep up with a blog :)