Monday, March 15, 2010

Better than Television

A zoo below your house!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Shushon Purim in the Park :)

Purim it rained and stormed, but the day after was beautiful. Dh took the kids to the park while I cleaned up the balagan. Looks like they had a great time. Maybe next year *I'll* go to the park and he will clean up...

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Some pics from the day. They all chose things I already own, so I didn't even have to spend any money on costumes :) The dog and the leapord came from my neice, the frog was Rena's last year, and the Queen Ester came from a friend. The tiger Avraham Tzvi is wearing in the bottom picture is Rena's from when she was 2. I'll have to see if I can find a picture of her in it and post it up.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mishloach Manot Madness

I don't think the girls are quite old enough to sit through the whole Megillah (and Avraham Tzvi defiantly can't!!!), especially motzie Shabbot when it's a bit later. Since they were a little disappointed, I promised them we could make up the mishloach manot to send to their friends. They had a great time putting together the packages.

Poor Avraham Tzvi was sitting at the table finishing his supper and staring at all the treats I was *not* giving him to eat LOL.

One shot of the "grown up" mishloach manot I gave out. I just made 6 this year and called it a day (we gave to a community list). The can on the left is canned corn, and the container on the right is hummos.